APKMODYO.COM fully respects the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and is committed to protecting the rights of copyright holders. If you believe that any content uploaded to our website is infringing your copyright, please notify us, and we will take appropriate action.

If you are a copyright holder or their authorized representative and believe that any content available on our website is infringing your intellectual property rights, please email us with the following information:

  • Your contact information: Your name, email, and phone number.
  • Description of the copyrighted material: The exact URL where the infringing material is available.
  • Proof of copyright ownership: Description of the original material or legal documentation.
  • A verification statement: “I certify that the use of the material mentioned is not authorized by the copyright holder, its agent, or the law.” And Your digital or physical signature.

How to send a DMCA complaint

We will take action within 48 to 72 hours after receiving your complaint and remove the infringing content, if necessary.


Our website is created for informational and educational purposes only. All apps and APK files are the property of their respective developers/owners. We do not claim ownership of any app and do not promote any illegal content. If a user misuses an app, the responsibility lies solely with the user.

APKMODYO.COM is designed to protect the interests of users and copyright holders, and we take legal requests seriously. For any other questions, please contact us.